Installation Guide
Installation Guide
Getting started with Peeps AI is straightforward. This guide walks you through the installation process, ensuring you have everything needed to deploy powerful, production-grade AI workflows. Whether you're a developer exploring Peeps AI for the first time or setting up a production environment, these instructions provide a seamless setup experience.
Before installing Peeps AI, ensure that your environment meets the following requirements:
❖ Python Version Peeps AI requires Python version >=3.10 and <3.13. You can check your current Python version by running:
If you need to install or update Python, visit the official Python website.
❖ Git Ensure you have Git installed to clone the Peeps AI repository. You can verify by running:
Download Git here if it is not already installed.
❖ Environment Setup It is recommended to use a virtual environment to isolate Peeps AI dependencies and avoid conflicts with other Python projects.
❖ Optional Tools For advanced features, ensure you have:
A Rust compiler (required for some dependencies). Install it via rustup.
Visual C++ Build Tools (for Windows users).
Step 1: Clone the Peeps AI Repository
Begin by cloning the Peeps AI repository from GitHub:
This will create a local copy of the Peeps AI source code and navigate into the project directory.
Step 2: Set Up a Virtual Environment
It is recommended to create and activate a virtual environment for Peeps AI. Here’s how:
For Unix/Linux/macOS:
For Windows:
Once activated, your terminal will indicate the virtual environment is in use.
Step 3: Install Dependencies
Inside the project directory, install all required dependencies:
This command installs all the necessary libraries and tools specified in the requirements.txt
Step 4: Verify Installation
To confirm that Peeps AI is installed correctly, check the version:
If the installation is successful, this command will display the current version of PeepsAI.
Step 5: Optional - Install Additional Tools
For users requiring advanced features, such as embedding support or specific integrations, install optional dependencies:
This step is necessary if you plan to use PeepsAI with advanced tools, memory mechanisms, or alternative language models.
Step 6: Test the Installation
Run a quick test to ensure PeepsAI is functioning as expected. Use the following command to list available CLI commands:
You should see a list of commands and options, confirming that PeepsAI is ready to use.
Troubleshooting Common Issues
If you encounter any issues during installation, refer to these common solutions:
❖ Missing Rust Compiler
Ensure Rust is installed by running:
If not installed, download Rust from
❖ Build Errors on Windows
Verify that Visual C++ Build Tools are installed.
Update your Python and pip to the latest versions.
❖ Dependency Conflicts
Ensure that your virtual environment is active during installation.
pip install --upgrade pip
before installing dependencies.
Next Steps
Once installation is complete, you are ready to set up your first PeepsAI project. Proceed to the next section, "Setting Up Your First Project", for instructions on defining agents, workflows, and configurations.
By following this guide, you’ve successfully prepared your environment to harness the full potential of PeepsAI. Let’s start building!
Last updated